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Check whether an RRS specification is consistent with a stan_model.


validate_RRS(stan_model, SR_fun = "BH", RRS)



Character string specifying the salmonIPM model to be fit. A more concise alternative to specifying model, life_cycle, and pool_pops and will override those arguments.


One of "exp" (density-independent discrete exponential), "BH" (Beverton-Holt, the default), or "Ricker", indicating which spawner-recruit function to fit. Synonyms "DI", "B-H", "bh", "b-h" and "ricker" are accepted.


A character string or vector of strings naming parameters of the function specified by SR_fun that differ between wild- and hatchery-origin spawners, such that the relative reproductive success of hatchery spawners is not equal to 1. If pool_pops == TRUE, these should be the names of the population-specific parameters, not their hyper-means. For example, if life_cycle %in% c("SS","SSiter"), the options are "none" (the default), "alpha", "Rmax", or c("alpha","Rmax"). Currently RRS is only implemented for pool_pops == FALSE.


Nothing is returned; the function throws an error if the requested RRS is not found in the hyperparameters of stan_model.